Friday, September 7, 2012

Waiting with Action

It seems that waiting has been a theme in our lives for a while now. Lots of days I can honestly say I'm thankful for it because it forces us to cling to our Father and forces us to decide if we'll trust in Him or live full of anxiety with trust in ourselves (or our adoption agency or the infertility doc or fill in the blank). We all hate the unknown because ultimately we want control....We want to KNOW, we want to PLAN, we want to get on with our lives. So that leads to the days that I fight waiting with everything in my being...I want to scream that I can't take it any longer. Today is one of those days. I look at pictures and so want to experience everything our little one is seeing, doing, smelling, discovering today. However, I'm also slightly schizophrenic because as I write that sentence I'm reminded that the Lord met with me this morning and He is near! I praise Him for His work that is obtaining the best for us, not giving us all the gifts we ask for because He is all-knowing and has the best...not just good. The Spirit has given me a desire for righteousness, my flesh just wants control, comfort, happiness...Glad we are more than conquerors of our old sin nature by the blood of Christ and that God will not allow me to settle. He continues to bring things into our lives that force us to refinement, to righteousness.
Anyway, during this process we've been trying to figure out how to wait well. We want to wait with action. This by in large means constant prayer, but I also had the idea of writing a letter to our little one for each day we wait, beginning today. Just the emotions we're feeling, what's going on in our lives, how God is working and what we're learning. I haven't totally decided if I'll post them or if they'll be too personal to share. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

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